Project Partners

We have a diverse and extensive group of partners from government, industry, law enforcement, regulatory and third sectors. They support REPHRAIN by providing expert input into shaping and co-creating our activities and setting research directions.

Project partners will also support REPHRAIN by providing research collaboration, staff exchanges, acting as members on our External Advisory Board, support for trials and demonstrations, facilitation of wider industrial collaboration and provision of use/test cases.

REPHRAIN is committed to understanding the key partners’ interests in this space and to identify specific research projects that will form part of the first tranche of research activities in the centre to ensure research outcomes are aligned with partners’ needs.

Project Partners
Bristol City Council Burgess Salmon Center for Cultivation of Technology
CMA (Competitions and Markets Authority) Cybsafe
Genies Google Government Office for Science
Harvard University (Global Networks of Internet & Society Centers) Hazy KU Leuven
Metropolitan Police Service Nationale Politie NCA (National Crime Agency)
Oblivious Software Open Rights Group Privitar
The Health Data Exchange The Tor Project UK Authority
VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)