Dr Mark Coté is a Senior Lecturer in Data Culture and Society in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London and Director of the MA in Big Data Culture and Society. He is Mission Co-lead and Strategic Board member of REPHRAIN. His research has received more than £3m in funding from UK and EU research councils, collaborating across Digital Humanities, Philosophy and Ethics, Law, and ICT, including projects as PI on social and cultural data analytics (H2020 SoBigData), on personal data and access (AHRC EDC), and as CoI on bias and discrimination in AI (EPSRC DADD). His research developed innovative participatory research methods empowering users to explore their data ecosystems, contributed theoretical models for HCI from a humanities perspective, modelled new forms of data access and agency for users and community stakeholders, and developed a data literacy framework to facilitate explainability for non-expert users.