Bogi Meggyesfalvi

Ms Boglarka (Bogi) Meggyesfalvi is a dedicated Child Protection Professional based in London, England, with a profound commitment to safeguarding children and advocating for their rights.

Currently serving as a Research Scholar at the Centre for Abuse & Trauma Studies at Middlesex University, Bogi devotes herself to conducting impactful research and advancing knowledge in the field of child protection. Through her work, she strives to contribute to the development of effective strategies and approaches that ensure the well-being and safety of children both in the physical and the digital spaces.

Her role as a Youth Projects’ Expert for EU projects has provided her with invaluable insights into empowering and supporting young individuals from a strategical perspective internationally. Throughout her career, Bogi has had the privilege of working in diverse settings, including the Integrated Rights Protection Service of the Hungarian Home Office, and various child protection NGOs in Europe and Latin-America. Working directly with children living in alternative, including unaccompanied refugee minors, have allowed her to witness firsthand the challenges faced by vulnerable populations, develop succesful educational and training programs, and to contribute to the creation of positive social change.

Boglarka’s academic accomplishments include a Master’s degree in Criminology from Middlesex University and ELTE University, along with Bachelor’s degrees in Educational Studies and Social Sciences, and she is currently a doctoral candidate at ELTE University. Through her work, she endeavors to create a safer and more nurturing environment for children and young people, consistently striving to make a positive impact on their lives.